My Situation Broom

-Redeploying Hindsight To A Forward Position-

Sunday, August 27

Venturing Out

I think I did alright in the comments thread here, under my web alias of Shimmy. I particularly like the language around "distinct from the reproductive system" and "abortion cell-death." What language to like!

I wish I had thought to respond to the "facetious" "reductio" about automobile-use causing death, and so why don't I oppose people driving. Well, I do oppose people driving (so much.) Duh. The number of roadway deaths is only part of it. And like so much of what's annoyingly on my mind, my reasons also fall squarely into the standard liberal vs. conservative mindset blah-blah debate. Let's see, there's the environmental reason, the personal health reason, the public health reason, the aesthetic reason, the fossil fuels funding oppression and radicalism reason...

Too much for my little mind to keep all at the ready...

Like how my thoughts on abortion have to do with biology, religion, morals, civics, health, sexual politics, and more. Oi, my achin' vey! As I've written here on before, blogging (or comment-threading) politics is hard.

What's that religion where some of them wear masks and sweep in front of them as they walk, to keep from killing insects? Them I'm curious to listen to on these matters. Many Christians, or conservatives, not so much. (I guess I'm being facetious there. Or emotional. I am curious to hear, because I'd rather not go around thinking people are simply being ridiculous. Wrong, OK, ridiculous, oi.)

P.S. - In response to no one in particular: "Work to reduce the number of abortions? Of course. Duh."

P.P.S. - Also hard: not being inflammatory when discussing abortion or religion. That wingnut Boortz has one thing right when he bans the abortion topic on his radio show.


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